Film about practiceFilm about cooking classYour online
nutrition check-up
We will teach you to cook healthy and delicious

Courses take place in small groups (4 - 6 people). In a relaxed atmosphere you will learn about the basics of a balanced diet and receive lots of practical easy tips.

Have a look for yourself: The film about our cooking shows how we teach you to cook delicious and healthy meals. Cooking courses generally take place over four evenings and meet once every other week.

Our next cooking course starts: Mai  2013 (19:00 - 21:00). 

Individual cooking and eating courses: The individual eating courses we offer in our teaching kitchens are ideal for patients who have an aversion to certain foods or for those on a strict diet due to illness. In the safe environment of our teaching kitchens, you will learn to dispel fears associated with food and learn how to cook and enjoy delicious, balanced meals.

Shopping courses: Upon request, we will also provide practical assistance while shopping food. We will accompany you on your trip to the supermarket and provide you with tips to buy good food. Learn more about our cooperation with you in our film.

Unser Kursangebot - verschiebt sich aufgrund der aktuellen Situation

Genussvoll und entspannt abnehmen -
Achtsamkeit in der Ernährung -
Alle Kurse werden von den gesetzl. KK bezuschusst!

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Rezept zur Stärkung des Immunsystems - nachhaltig und schnell

Hirse mit Ofengemüse und Feta

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Topthema: Nachhaltig und gesund essen mit der Planetary Health Diet
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Derzeit sind alle Trainée- und Praktikantenstellen in unserer Praxis vergeben.

Praxis für Ernährungstherapie und Beratung | Dr. Claudia Laupert-Deick | Telephone 0228-766 72 81 |