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nutrition check-up
Our Key to Success

Your health is our goal!

A well-balanced diet, regular physical activity, the ability to relax and a healthy way to deal with stress are essential requirements for your physical and mental health.

We help you to shape these aspects for yourself in a positive way in order to stabilize your health.

As a team we are strong!

Our team, consisting of a psychologist, a nutrition therapist and a sports therapist, has been working together successfully since 2010 in supporting our clients' personal health management. The contents of our consulting are linked and complement one another to form an integral spectrum of activity.

In a first joint step we analyse your situation. We then develop an individual strategy for your health together.

Unser Kursangebot - verschiebt sich aufgrund der aktuellen Situation

Genussvoll und entspannt abnehmen -
Achtsamkeit in der Ernährung -
Alle Kurse werden von den gesetzl. KK bezuschusst!

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Rezept zur Stärkung des Immunsystems - nachhaltig und schnell

Hirse mit Ofengemüse und Feta

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Topthema: Nachhaltig und gesund essen mit der Planetary Health Diet
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Derzeit sind alle Trainée- und Praktikantenstellen in unserer Praxis vergeben.

Praxis für Ernährungstherapie und Beratung | Dr. Claudia Laupert-Deick | Telephone 0228-766 72 81 |