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nutrition check-up

Psyche and stress

Stress and its causes are highly individual. By analyzing your personal pressure situation it is possible to define the essential spheres of activity which are relevant for coping with stress. With our support, you decide on which aspects you want to work.

Nutrition and stress

There is a close correlation between our eating habits, our immunocompetence and our physical and mental fitness. Numerous vitamins and minerals are important for a healthy body and also influence our mental well-being through the formation of stress and relaxation hormones.

Exercise and stress

Physical exercise stimulates the decomposition of stress hormones and is, for this reason, one of the easiest methods to protect the human body from unhealthy stress. Through the right intensity and way of training, the body reduces stress and builds up new energy.

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Unser Kursangebot - verschiebt sich aufgrund der aktuellen Situation

Genussvoll und entspannt abnehmen -
Achtsamkeit in der Ernährung -
Alle Kurse werden von den gesetzl. KK bezuschusst!

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Hirse mit Ofengemüse und Feta

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Topthema: Nachhaltig und gesund essen mit der Planetary Health Diet
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Derzeit sind alle Trainée- und Praktikantenstellen in unserer Praxis vergeben.

Praxis für Ernährungstherapie und Beratung | Dr. Claudia Laupert-Deick | Telephone 0228-766 72 81 |